Written by Judith Buckland, RDCS, FASE, MBA

2016 Year in Review

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Wishing you all a Happy Holidays. We would like to give a big THANK YOU to all of our clients and social network friends. We appreciate your business and support throughout 2016. It’s been an exciting year for us at CardioServ. We underwent a re-branding that focused on “why” we do what we do. We love our new message of Inspiring Excellence in Imaging and we are committed to helping inspire all of you! Here’s a quick look back at 2016!

CardioServ Year in Review 2016

On the blog:featured-on

We focused on how to help you with practical real life tips and techniques for both accreditation and for correct echo techniques. We were excited to be featured in Aunt Minnie and look forward to writing more articles next year about the issues that you care most about.

Read our popular Chamber Quantification Series:

On the website:

We underwent a complete re-branding with a new look, logo and message. We had a blast at our photo shoot and are thrilled to share our renewed passion for inspiring excellence with all of our peers! Read more about our re-branding here.

CardioServ Staff Having Coffee

Out of the office:

CardioServ wants to learn as much as possible to help all of you be your best. We ventured out to California for the Zoholics Sales and Marketing Conference to help streamline the efficiency within our office to better serve you. Also, we went to ASE 2016 in Seattle to stay current on the latest industry practices. All in all, we learned a lot, met some great new colleagues and ended the conference in style with a 2nd place win in the Scavenger Hunt!
2016 Ase Scavenger Hunt 2nd PlaceRhiannon and Judith Zoho Conference

In the office:

We love to stay plugged into the cardiovascular community. This year we:

Rhiannon walking on treadmill deskJoanne 2016 Wear Red for Women Day

  • Participated in National Wear Red Day!
  • Cardiovascular Health and Charity: We tracked our mileage on our treadmill desk this year and collectively walked 250 miles! Thus, we will be donating $250 to the ASE Foundation.
  • We entered the Echovation Challenge. This was a new competition ASE held to seek novel approaches and technologies to improve workflow efficiency.
  • We are loving social media! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. We post daily a variety of topics such as case studies, articles and CMEs.
  • Our offices are expanding and so is our staff! We look forward to introducing you to our newest team members that will start in the new year.

Congratulations to all our clients that achieved the recognition of accreditation this year!


2016CardioServ staffyear in review

Our Services


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Accreditation Help
Online Echo CMEs
Echo Accreditation Software





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