Cardioserv Blog

Written by Judith Buckland, MBA, RDCS, FASE

Industry Spotlight: Northern Ohio Cardiac Imaging Association

CardioServ's next stop on the World Tour was Cleveland, Ohio! We had the honor of speaking at the Spring Echo Conference "Back to Basics" for the NOCIA.  The Society conference was held on the campus of a local college (Cuyahoga Community College). Attendees from the Cleveland and Akron area...
Industry Spotlight:  Northern Ohio Cardiac Imaging Association
Written by Andrea Fields MHA, RDCS

What the Heck is the Cut-Off Value for RVSP?!

Us clinicians commonly ask the same popular question in our field, "What is the cut-off ranges for pulmonary hypertension?!" We want to help better understand the basics of determining the presence of pulmonary hypertension with echocardiography. First let's start with one important key item to...
What the Heck is the Cut-Off Value for RVSP?!
Written by Judith Buckland, MBA, RDCS, FASE

Employee Spotlight: Joanne Ryan

This week, we celebrated Joanne Ryan's 9th work anniversary with CardioServ.  What better time to share with you a little about Joanne!  Joanne is our administrative director, aka holds down the reins of CardioServ! Anyone who has been through the accreditation process has had the joy of working...
Employee Spotlight:  Joanne Ryan
Written by Judith Buckland MBA, RDCS, FASE

How to Calculate Echo Reference Ranges

We are frequently asked how to calculate abnormal cut-off values for echo measurements based on the standard deviation displayed on the different guideline papers.  How do we use standard deviation to calculate normal reference ranges? This week we will demonstrate how to interpret the echo...
How to Calculate Echo Reference Ranges


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