Cardioserv Blog

Written by Andrea Fields, MHA, RDCS

Introduction to Right Heart Assessment

CardioServ is dedicating the month of April to right heart quantification awareness!  This month we will present a series of blogs to review the proper methods to quantify right ventricular size and function. The right heart has jokingly been referred to as the step-child of the heart with often...
Introduction to Right Heart Assessment
Written by Judith Buckland

Case Study of the Week: Massive Right Atrium

What is the diagnosis based on the echocardiogram? a) Ebstein's anomaly of tricuspid valve b) Idiopathic dilatation of right atrium c) Endomyocardial fibrosis d) None of the above Continue reading to find out the answer. The correct answer is c) Endomyocardial fibrosis. This week we stumped a lot...
Case Study of the Week: Massive Right Atrium
Written by Andrea Fields MHA, RDCS

Mitral Regurgitation Case Study!

Last week we walked through a case study demonstration, using the ASE's chronic mitral regurgitation (MR) algorithm. This week, we have another case study to present-- let's see how you quantify the severity of MR! Chronic MR Algorithm Chart: Patient History: 60 year old female presented for...
Mitral Regurgitation Case Study!
Written by Andrea Fields MHA, RDCS

Mitral Regurgitation Case Study Demonstration!

Our blog last week discussed the algorithm for determining the severity of chronic mitral regurgitation, provided by the ASE! If you missed it, you can find it here! Let's use this information and work through a case study together! Patient History A 50 year old male admitted to hospital for...
Mitral Regurgitation Case Study Demonstration!
Written by Judith Buckland MBA, RDCS, FASE

Online Echo CMEs Now Available!

New! CardioServ's Cat. 1 AMA Online Echo CMEs You have read our blogs.... now earn CMEs! After repeated requests to offer CMEs for our educational services, we are proud to invite you to check out our new Category 1 AMA CMEs online platform. Developed with the same quality and ease as our blogs,...
Online Echo CMEs Now Available!


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Online Echo CMEs
Echo Accreditation Software





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