Cardioserv Blog

Written by Judith Buckland MBA, RDCS, FASE

Online Echo CMEs Now Available!

New! CardioServ's Cat. 1 AMA Online Echo CMEs You have read our blogs.... now earn CMEs! After repeated requests to offer CMEs for our educational services, we are proud to invite you to check out our new Category 1 AMA CMEs online platform. Developed with the same quality and ease as our blogs,...
Online Echo CMEs Now Available!
Written by Yvonne Prince ACS, RDCS, RVT, RDMS, FASE

Abdominal Ultrasound for the Echocardiographer: Part 3

Branches of the Aorta Earlier, I mentioned the superior mesenteric artery (SMA). From a longitudinal approach, it is seen rising anteriorly and then turning and coursing distally, maintaining a parallel course to the aorta. The SMA is the second branch of the abdominal aorta, and the celiac axis...
Written by Yvonne Prince ACS, RDCS, RVT, RDMS, FASE

Abdominal Ultrasound for Echocardiographers: Branches of the Aorta

If you have been following along with Parts 1 and 2 of this blog series, you have already learned how important landmarks are in scanning the abdominal vasculature. We provided a step-by-step method for identifying and imaging the abdominal aorta. This week in Part 3, we will discuss tips and...
Abdominal Ultrasound for Echocardiographers:  Branches of the Aorta
Written by Yvonne Prince ACS, RDCS, RVT, RDMS, FASE

Abdominal Ultrasound for Echocardiographers: Aorta and IVC

In an early blog, Abdominal Ultrasound for Echocardiographers: Part 1, we reviewed some basic tips for echocardiographers scanning the abdomen.  We reviewed artifacts, image orientation and patient positioning.  This week we will provide you with 6 steps to successfully identify the aorta and...
Abdominal Ultrasound for Echocardiographers:  Aorta and IVC
Written by Yvonne Prince ACS, RDCS, RVT, RDMS, FASE

Abdominal Ultrasound for Echocardiographers: Part 1

How often have you found yourself “in over your head” in the abdomen when trying to image the IVC and abdominal aorta? Is imaging the abdominal aorta part of your echo protocol? It is not uncommon for a patient to receive an abdominal ultrasound because the echo findings mentioned the presence...
Abdominal Ultrasound for Echocardiographers: Part 1


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Online Echo CMEs
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