Medical Ultrasound Awareness Month (MUAM) is held annually in October to create awareness of the role diagnostic medical sonographers play in the medical community and to educate the public about medical ultrasound and its many uses in healthcare. We would like to recognize and thank the many individuals that work tirelessly, day-in and day-out, to provide the highest level of care to their patients. We have found that many healthcare providers are unaware of the skill and dedication required to excel in ultrasound. Ultrasound remains one of the few diagnostic imaging modalities that relies so heavily on the skill of the operator!

For Ultrasound Awareness Month nominate yourself or a friend to be recognized as the hero we know you are! We have seen first hand how sonographers impact the lives of patients and we want to share these stories! Here at CardioServ, we believe that each and every sonographer is a hero, in their own way. We want to share your stories, with administrators and the public, to bring awareness to just how skilled and awesome the community of sonographers are! Nominate yourself or a peer and enter to win the 2017 Inspiring Excellence in Imaging Award.
How you can participate! Just tell us your story! That time that you or your peer saved the day! That one moment that you made a difference. Whether it was catching a misdiagnosis, alerting an interventional team to take action, assisting a patient or physician. Tell us your brief story and we will select the 3 best stories.
We will review all of your stories and select the three best. Two runner-ups will receive gift baskets, Imaging in Excellence Certificates and their name recognized. The winner, will win an additional $100 visa gift card along with their name, picture and story featured on our website and blog! We will even send a letter to your employee, alerting them of your Excellence In Imaging recognition. So don’t be shy!! Share your story.