August 2023

Diagnostic Criteria for Venous Reflux

In our past two vascular blogs, we explained the cause of venous reflux and reviewed how to recognize and measure venous reflux. At our upcoming vascular workshop (July 15th) we will discuss in detail, compliant scanning protocols and the correct techniques for performing quality reflux exams. There is still time to register for our workshop with early bird pricing! This week in our blog we will review the diagnostic criteria for venous reflux.

Staff Spotlight: Pratik Doshi

We are excited to continue our Staff Spotlight series with CardioServ’s first ever marketing intern Pratik Doshi! Pratik will be spending the summer with us working on our social media marketing, data analysis and promotions. His experience in information technology and data science will help CardioServ better track variability and quality improvement in your facilities, automate our office tasks giving us more time with clients and help in our mission to inspire excellence worldwide. Learn more about him below!

Intro to Venous Reflux

There is a lot of interest in ablation procedures for venous reflux. Many of our readers have expressed an interest in learning more about venous reflux. What is it? How do we correctly diagnose reflux disease? What is the pre, during and post procedures for venous ablation? We are happy to announce our upcoming Mastering Venous Reflux conference on July 15th, in Ft. Lauderdale. We are collaborating with All About Ultrasound, to combine our extensive backgrounds in vascular ultrasound and will be providing 5.0 ASE CMEs. The conference is intended for the novice, expert or physician, interested in mastering correct techniques for venous reflux. This week we will review some basics of venous reflux.

Hepatic Veins & Right Heart Abnormalities

In Hepatic Veins 101, we discussed the structure, function and waveforms of the hepatic veins, in regards to the cardiac cycle. This blog will cover how the hepatic veins play a role with the right heart. We tend to forget about the importance and useful information the hepatic veins provide us. Lets review, how the hepatic veins play a role in:

Hepatic Veins – 101

As we come to an end with our right heart blog series, we want to conclude with a comprehensive look at the role of hepatic vein evaluation to assess the right heart. We will break this down into 2 blogs this week. This first blog will cover the fundamentals of hepatic veins and the second part will review how the hepatic veins play a role in Tricuspid regurgitation (TR) and right heart failure.

5 Things to Know about Using Fractional Area Change (FAC) to Assess RV Function

Before jumping into assessing the RV with the Fractional Area Change method, lets recap the past couple weeks. Last week, we talked about two methods for quantifying the function of the RV (TAPSE & S’ Wave). We selected these methods to explain first due to ease, reproducibility and established prognostic value. As some of our readers pointed out and as we discussed the TAPSE and S’ Wave methods do have limitations though. The 3 main limitations are:

TAPSE and RVSP – Prognostic Value When Viewed as an Index

We have been teaching on correct techniques for right heart assessment (including TAPSE and RVSP) for a while now and we still seem to face a little resistance sometimes in regards to the clinical significance of right heart assessment. In order for us to learn and retain information we often have to understand the relevance and make a connection between what we are learning and how it relates to things we know.

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