August 2023

10 Tips for Correct RA Size Quantification

We have been discussing the importance of evaluating the right heart over the past few blogs this month. The ASE updated the chamber quantification guidelines that provided us with the correct methods to measuring size and function of the right ventricle (RV) and atrium (RA). This week, we are going to talk about the proper method to measuring the size of the right atrium! We will review both the preferred volumetric measurement methods and the linear measurements of the right atrium.

Essential Steps to Creating MPI Patient Centered Imaging Protocols

This week we are continuing the discussion of the movement in nuclear cardiology towards patient centered imaging and the emphasis on reduction of radiation exposure. Many organizations are changing guidelines and standards to align with these principles, one of them being the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC). Patient centered imaging is the focus of many changes in nuclear accreditation guidelines. In our last blog, we discussed 5 ways to reduce radiation exposure. IAC implemented all of these in their guidelines. Here is a quick review:

Patient Centered Imaging – 5 Ways to Reduce Radiation Exposure

In recent years, there has been a large increase in the role of diagnostic imaging in the medical industry and with that has come increased radiation exposure. Many professional organizations have come together, including ASNC, AHA and IAC to address the issue of radiation exposure and how we can maximize the quality of diagnostic studies and patient safety while reducing radiation risk. March is Radiation Safety Month for CardioServ and we want to bring awareness of patient centered imaging. Success of nuclear cardiology is based on (1) education of clinicians and patients and (2) optimization of patient care through appropriate use criteria and proper imaging procedure for the individual patient.

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