ACC Scientific Sessions – Take-Aways

ACC Scientific Sessions – Take-Aways

No worries if you missed the recent ACC Scientific Sessions, held in Orlando Florida this past weekend.  We have gathered some of the best topics, and placed them all here for you to easily read the latest and greatest cardiology updates.  In addition, check out our blog, where Andrea, our Clinical Cardiac Director, explains here personal experience and reaction to attending the ACC 2018 event.

Click on any one of these titles to learn more!

Novel Drug Reverses Anticoagulants in Emergencies

  • “Patients on anticoagulants such as apixaban (Eliquis) who develop bleeding emergencies may be able to reverse the drug’s impact with the investigational agent andexanet, researchers said here” (MedPageToday, 2018)

Low-Dose Combo Pill Successfully Takes Down High BP

  • “Patients with untreated or uncontrolled hypertension reached blood pressure goals after treatment with a low-dose “triple pill,” researchers reported here” (MedPageToday, 2018)

Perioperative Beta Blockers Trade Fewer MI’s for More Deaths

  • “Beta blocker use starting 2 to 4 hours before noncardiac surgery protected patients against myocardial infarction (MI) but was associated with more death and stroke at 1 year, the POISE (Perioperative Ischemic Evaluation) trialists found, confirming earlier 30-day results” (MedPageToday, 2018).

Cardiac Agents May Protect Heart from Breast Cancer TX

  • “Cardiotoxicity from breast cancer drugs was about half as likely with prophylactic use of heart drugs in higher-risk patients, one trial showed, while a second suggested an early trend for less cardiac damage” (MedPageToday).

Looking for more ACC 2018 Meeting Covereage?  Check out ACC’s website with plenty of articles and video coverage of the event.

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