Author name: Cardioserv

Helping Physicians “See”

For all of us involved in quality improvement measures within our lab our goal is to drive change. Reporting physician compliance with turnaround time or participating in group peer review sessions to track interpretive variability can often generate some lively conversations! As an educator and consultant, I have facilitated meetings where I have seen first hand interpretive variability or had to report on non-compliance with physician turnaround time. Take ejection fraction as an example of interpretive variability. Although ASE provides guidelines regarding best quantification techniques (Biplane Simpsons Method), the physicians are still faced with the reality of the sonographer’s ability to perform correct techniques while performing the exam! How do we close the loop on subjective ultrasound interpretation and tip the scales to consistently provide accurate interpretations? How do we understand the many issues involved with a physician that may not read a study on time?

Staff Spotlight: Andrea

We are starting our new series Staff Spotlight by introducing our newest employee Andrea Fields! Andrea is our new Cardiac Clinical Director. She will help develop our clinical and educational programs related to echocardiography. Her experience with advanced echocardiography will be a great addition to our team. Learn more about her below!

6 Steps to Meeting New IAC QI Measures

So over the past year we saw a lot of changes regarding the IAC accreditation quality improvement requirements across all modalities. Finally, as the dust settled we were left with a standardized program across the board. We expected the new QI to be difficult and time consuming so it took a while for us to get our head around just how simplified the whole system now is! We here at CardioServ are all loving the new workflow and we would like to share what we enjoy most about the new requirements.

8 Things to Know About Estimation of RAP via Echocardiography

Last week, we shared our new year resolutions which including writing more and inspiring more. So I am jumping right in by writing a blog on the correct method to estimate right atrial pressures (RAP) when calculating your RVSP during an echo. The American Society of Echocardiography has outlined the correct use of the Collapsibility Index to estimate RAP yet the majority of the echocardiograms that we review on a daily basis still have an RAP of 10 entered for every echo. After speaking with sonographers, most admit it’s either a bad habit or it is just what they were taught to do.

2016 Year in Review

Wishing you all a Happy Holidays. We would like to give a big THANK YOU to all of our clients and social network friends. We appreciate your business and support throughout 2016. It’s been an exciting year for us at CardioServ. We underwent a re-branding that focused on “why” we do what we do. We love our new message of Inspiring Excellence in Imaging and we are committed to helping inspire all of you! Here’s a quick look back at 2016!

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