Author name: Cardioserv

6 Pitfalls of Accurate LV Measurements

Last year the American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) released updated guidelines for cardiac chamber quantification by echocardiography. The ASE teamed up with the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging to update the previous guidelines due to the rapid technological developments of the past decade and the changes in echocardiographic practice brought about by these developments.

Smart Strategies for Accreditation Success

This is the final blog in our 6-part Accreditation Hack Series. It’s been great sharing our time saving hacks and our tips to streamline the accreditation process. By now you may have noticed one thing… here at CardioServ we love what we do! We are passionate about improving the quality of diagnostic imaging. It’s this passion that drives us to be relentless with our pursuit of excellence and steadfast in our commitment to improving the accreditation process for the diagnostic community. We believe in using an innovative process to give you a strategic advantage to successful accreditation.

Technical and Interpretive Measures…the Perfect Pair!

In our Accreditation Hack blog series we are revealing our strategies to help you accomplish compliance with all IAC mandated QI measures. Last week we provided 3 timesaving hacks to complete your Report Completeness measure with quality and ease. This week we will share 3 consultant secrets to complete both your technical and interpretive QI measures while keeping your sanity!

Time Saving Hacks While Improving Quality

Remember, when we say Accreditation Hacks – the word ‘hack’ is a good thing! We provide timesaving hacks while improving quality. With our tips, suggestions and resources you have the ultimate combination of quality and ease. Our goal is to allow you to focus on excellence and to practice the highest level of quality possible with ease and simplicity

2016 New Accreditation Quality Improvement (QI) Program for ALL Imaging Modalities

We want to make sure you start the year off right in regards to meeting the new Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) Quality Improvement requirements and provide you with time saving tricks and techniques to ensure compliance. Whether your accreditation is in echocardiography, vascular, nuclear, MRI or CT we know how easy it is to fall behind on your quarterly QI requirements. We want to help you with our blog series on Accreditation Hacks. Don’t be fooled by the name, we want to teach you time hacks but never quality hacks! We believe in the process of accreditation to improve diagnostic healthcare and always focus on improving quality while saving time. This week in part one we will present a clear understanding of the new Quality Improvement changes across each modality.

2015 Year in Review

Lots of new additions to CardioServ this year – new faces, new software and even new exercise equipment! Also, learn about important changes to accreditation guidelines coming up in the next couple of months and see our favorite blog posts this year.

Pulmonary Hypertension Case Study Presentation

An 85 year old patient presents to the ER with worsening shortness of breath and a history of known pulmonary hypertension. Her chest x-ray reveals massive cardiomegaly. An echo is ordered to assess the status of her pulmonary hypertension. We will present this echo to illustrate the correct techniques when performing an echocardiogram with the indication of pulmonary hypertension. Learn about the LV Eccentricity index and the latest recommendations for calculating correct RA pressure through evaluation of the IVC.

Echo in Pulmonary Embolism…the clot thickens

Pulmonary embolism continues to cause at least 60,000 deaths per year in the United States according to CDC statistics. Ten percent of symptomatic pulmonary emboli are fatal within one hour of symptoms onset. However, diagnosis can often be difficult because the presenting signs and symptoms are nonspecific and often mimic other cardiac and pulmonary diseases. Interventional strategies to remove or dissolve thrombi continue to improve. With these improvements, our ability to understand and diagnose also needs to improve. Echocardiography can aid in the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism and provides important functional information about the right and left ventricle that cannot be ascertained from other tests.

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