Author name: Cardioserv

Sonographer Musculoskeletal Disorders

October, is Medical Ultrasound Awareness Month (MUAM), a time when we stop to recognize and celebrate sonographers. Therefore, this week we are bringing attention to sonographer musculoskeletal disease with a focus on pain free scanning. According to SDMS, 90% of clinical sonogaphers experience symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders.

6 Tips to Improve an Echo Bubble Study!

During the past few weeks we have reviewed agitated saline ‘echo bubble studies’. Our guest writers Dr. Ali and Dr. Nossikoff have explained what an agitated saline “Echo Bubble study” is, along with indications, how to perform and interpret a bubble study, supplies needed and the safety of bubble studies. This week we will review 6 tips for improving the quality of an echo bubble study including the best echo window based on pathology.

9 Steps to Perform an Echo Bubble Study

Last week guest writers Dr. Ali and Dr. Nossikoff explained what an agitated saline “Echo Bubble study” is. They provided 7 indications for use of an echo bubble study along with a review of how to interpret the findings. If you missed last week’s blog, check it out! This week both doctors will teach us 9 steps to perform an echo bubble study along with supplies needed and tips to optimize imaging.

7 Indications for an Echo Bubble Study

Agitated saline “Echo Bubble study” is often a neglected complementary echocardiographic technique. What is an echo bubble study? What are the indications and interpretation for the use of agitated saline, “bubble study”? This week Dr. Ali and Dr. Nossikoff will provide us with 7 indications for an echo bubble study and review how to interpret the findings. Read more about both doctors in this weeks educator spotlight articles.

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