Case Study of the Week: Dr Wharton’s Echo Case: Problem Pill or Is There a Pill for This Problem?

Case Study of the Week: Dr Wharton’s Echo Case: Problem Pill or Is There a Pill for This Problem?

Here is a great case from Dr. Wharton on Medscape of a 45 year old patient with hyperlipidemia (high LDL-C and high triglycerides) taking a high-potency statin who presents with pericardial effusion and signs of tamponade.

pericardial effusion parasternal long
Pericardial effusion Doppler

What should be done next?
b) Pericardiocentesis
c) Liver Biopsy
d) Blood test

In this case study Dr. Wharton presented a really interesting and unusual presentation of pericardial effusion and managed to bring humor to the presentation. We don’t want to give any spoiler alerts but he solves the case with an explanation poem written in true Dr. Suess style! We loved it!

Click here for the full article.

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