Wow, we made it! CardioServ celebrates 10 years! Thank you, to all our readers, clients and of course my amazing team! Enjoy our short celebration video. On Saturday October 14, we gathered with family and friends to celebrate our success. Thank you to the amazing staff at The Hibiscus House. The courtyard reception was beautiful, what an amazing location and fantastic place to gather with friends. It was hard to condense an entire magical evening into 2-1/2 minutes. Enjoy the video…
I thought I would take time this week to walk down memory lane and share some stories and pictures from the last 10 years. CardioServ started as an idea for a company, after I had received a couple different requests from physicians for help. They needed help with the echo accreditation process in their office. At the time, I was the supervisor of the echo lab at a community hospital. I had never completed the accreditation process before, so the process seemed intimidating. After multiple requests, I realized there was a need for accreditation services. With encouragement from a friend, (you know who you are!) I started to explore how I would start a business to address this need. The entrepreneur in me kicked in! Many business books later, I came up with the name CardioServ. My company tagline was Serving Your Cardiovascular Accreditation Needs. It was October 2007 and I had successfully launched my business.
I worked hard at understanding the accreditation process and streamlining efficient, effective ways to improve the process. As I began working with more clients what I learned both excited me and startled me! What startled me was the difference in the standard of care from one lab to another. Yet what excited me was that with just a little guidance and the correct resources, improvement of quality was inevitable. I was hooked!
2011 CardioServ Team Photo
2017 CardioServ Team Photo
Over the years, as I built up the company, I was blessed with finding amazing talent to join the team. While accrediting labs, we were also listening to problems and improving workflow. We soon had developed best practices and this launched the idea of creating an online platform to streamline the accreditation process. In 2012, we began developing software that allowed us to automate accreditation and in 2014 we launched AccreditCoach.
As the company grew, and we had mastered efficiency I spent most of 2016 focusing on finding the true purpose of why we exist and function as a company. After much soul searching and team building, it came down to the fact that we all felt passionate about ensuring every facility provides high quality diagnostic imaging. We all have parents and loved ones that deserve to have quality diagnostic testing, regardless of the facility they receive their test at. My quick internal test for assessing the quality of a lab would be that voice in my head that would say, “would I want my mum to have her test performed here, and read by these doctors?”
It was this period of searching for our bigger purpose that we found our new mission of Inspiring Excellence in Imaging. Everything we now do at CardioServ is driven by our passion to inspire you to be your best and improve the quality of diagnostic imaging. The fun we have as a company is developing the best services and products to provide you with the tools to do just that. We believe that accreditation, education and clinical development all cultivate an environment of continuous quality improvement to inspire excellence in imaging.
2017 Venous Workshop
With this new clarity of purpose we have spent 2017 building up our educational and clinical development services. We have worked tirelessly on developing educational blogs that breakdown the fundamentals of quality echocardiography. We continue to work behind the scenes on many other educational projects. We even held our first workshop in July and look forward to offering more in the future.
We now include additional education with our accreditation services to ensure all labs not only achieve the recognition of accreditation but stay current with the latest industry guidelines.

As we celebrate our 10th year, we plan on celebrating all year long! We have planned a World Tour to include educational speaking events, networking events and volunteer activities through the United States and the international community. It is not too late to request us to come visit you! If you would like CardioServ to come speak at your facility, get involved in a volunteer project or just network with your team, submit a request form!

Thank you to my phenomenal team for believing in my vision and making this all possible. We look forward to serving the needs of the ultrasound community and providing exceptional accreditation services with superior educational and clinical development, with our relentless pursuit of inspiring excellence in imaging.

Judith Buckland, MBA, RDCS, FASE
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