Last month we held a 2-week survey to assess the attitudes and practices related to echo accreditation through the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission. 171 individuals from 36 different US states responded. We are still in the process of analyzing the data to better understand the echo accreditation survey results. Still, we would like to share a few findings with you.
We learned a lot regarding the challenges faced by sonographers and clinicians around the country. Many of the findings were expected, but some results surprised us. As a result, we will use this information to shape the direction of our future projects.

63% of the respondents worked in an accredited facility. We had often assumed that reimbursement is the driving factor for facilities to seek accreditation. However, both quality improvement and standardization ranked higher. What this means? Our future products and services will focus on multiple measures of quality improvement, not just those required for accreditation.

Difficulty level of accreditation
What??? This one really surprised us! We often hear how hard accreditation is. Yet, respondents rated the difficulty level at only a 5. This feels like an opportunity to set the goal beyond achieving the recognition of accreditation. Let the goal no longer be to just succeed in accreditation, check all the boxes, and hang the certificate on the wall. Rather, let the problems and issues that arise be embraced as opportunities for growth. Keep pushing and pursue continuous quality improvement.

Challenges of Echo Accreditation
No shocker here, the number one challenge of accreditation is TIME! What we learned is that case study selection is the next biggest challenge. What this means? We will focus on providing additional educational assistance regarding best practices for correct echo techniques and compliant scanning protocols. Also, we will develop better tools for tracking potential case studies.

We shared a small sampling of the echo accreditation survey results. We will continue to review the survey data and use this information to ensure we meet the needs of our imaging community. To all our readers…we appreciate your continued support. We remain committed to inspiring excellence in imaging through education and accreditation. We will work diligently to develop the resources you need to continually improve the quality of your laboratory.
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