Last week we wrapped up our right heart blog series. Be sure to keep an eye out for our Right Heart E-Book that will be available soon!
This week, we are kicking off our mitral regurgitation (MR) blog series! The ASE, recently released updated guidelines, for the proper methods to quantify MR. We at CardioServ, want to help break it down, into a more enjoyable learning process. Our goal is to help you, incorporate these methods into daily scanning practices! We look forward to feedback and comments, as we are all here to learn and grow together!In order to identify pathology of a valve, we must be familiar with the basic anatomy first! Can you name five components of the mitral valve apparatus? Read on, and master mitral valve anatomy!MITRAL VALVE FUNCTION
Regulates blood flow in 2 ways:- Forward towards left ventricle (LV) in diastolePrevents backflow towards left atrium (LA) in systole
Helps regulate size, geometry and function of the LV FIVE MITRAL VALVE COMPONENTS
1. Mitral Annulus2. Mitral Leaflets3. Commissures4. Chordae Tendinae5. Papillary Muscles
Mitral Annulus: Anatomical structure that separates the LV & LA

Mitral Leaflets & Scallops: Thin and pliable leaflets that contain scallops which represent segmental markers.
2 Leaflets with 3 Scallops- Anterior Leaflet (AML): larger & thicker
- Dome-shapedScallops: A1 (lateral), A2 (central), A3 (medial)
Posterior Leaflet (PML): thinner & more flexible- Crescent shapedScallops: P1 (lateral), P2 (central), P3 (medial)
Leaflets thin & pliableScallops serve as segmental markers of leaflets
Commissures: 2 specific sites where the leaflets insert and join into mitral annulus
Anterolateral CommissurePosteromedial Commissure
Chordae Tendinae: Fibrous strings that attach specific portions of mitral leaflets to papillary muscle tips
Normal average length is around 20mmNormal average thickness is 1-2mmKey items to look for: thickening, fusion, calcification, elongation, rupture
Three classified types of chordae tendinae based on location of insertion:
Primary (marginal)- attaches at leaflet tips (‘coaptation line’)- Function to maintain coaptation of leafletsFailure of primary leads to rupture or elongated chordaeCause development of prolapse or flail leaflet
Secondary (basal)- attaches at mid-body of leaflets- Provides support length to leafletsThicker & longerCan rupture & not damage coaptation or develop regurgitation
Tertiary– attaches at base of leaflets- Function as structural support
Papillary Muscles: Large trabeculae muscles that branch from 1/3rd of LV, connecting chordae to mitral leaflets2 papillary muscles:
Anterolateral (APM):- Dual blood supply (LAD & Cx)
Posteromedial (PPM):- Single blood supply (Either RCA or LCX)Prone to injury from MI due to single blood supply

MITRAL VALVE ZONESThe mitral apparatus has very specific details that make up the large picture of the ‘mitral valve’. If we zoom in on the mitral leaflets from the
atrial surface, we can identify two zones that are used for describing location of pathology seen.
Body (‘Smooth’) Zone: surface area on leaflet bodyCoaptation (‘Rough’) Zone: represents the coaptation area of leaflets- Crucial area to observe in assessment of mitral valve function

Evaluation of the Mitral Valve includes all components that make up the Mitral ApparatusVisualization of scallops can vary per scanning window and angulation of specific windowUnderstanding the structure and function of all components can aid in diagnosing pathologyAnterior leaflet is more fixed than the posterior, causing the posterior leaflet to be more prone to remodeling, distortion of shape or damageAnterior leaflet is not anatomically divided into scallops like the posterior leaflet is, but for pathological guidance, the anterior scallops mimic the posterior leafletsScallops are labeled 1 to 3 based from lateral to medial segmentsIn regards to which papillary muscle supplies chordae to which scallops…- Anterolateral papillary muscle = lateral scallops (A1, P1) & lateral half of A2, P2Posteromedial papillary muscle = medial scallops (A3, P3) & medial half of A2, P2
Chordae play a key role in the structure and function of mitral leafetsCONCLUSIONThis week, we reviewed mitral valve anatomy, to lay the foundation for our in-depth review of quantification of mitral valve regurgitation. You can now confidently identify 5 components of the mitral valve apparatus! Join us next week, as we start our discussion on correct scanning techniques for the mitral valve! We look forward to hearing feedback and comments from our readers!

Andrea Fields MHA, RDCSStay Connected:
Instagram References: Prokšelj, K. (2015). Echocardiography Of The Mitral Valve.
International Symposium MITRAL VALVE DISEASES IN CHILDREN AND ADULTS. doi:10.5644/pi2017.168.03Zoghbi, W. A., MD, Adams, D., RCS, RDCS, FASE, & Bonow, R. O., MD. (2017). Recommendations for Noninvasive Evaluation of Native Valvular Regurgitation.
JASE,30(4), 318-334. Retrieved June 6, 2017.Zamorano, J. L., MD, & Badano, L. P. (2011). EAE/ASE Recommendations for the Use of Echocardiography in New Transcather Interventions for Valvular Heart Disease.
JASE,24(9), 957-960. Retrieved June 6, 2017.