
Nuclear Accreditation Guidelines

Over the next few weeks, we will focus on Nuclear Cardiology. Effective 2017, the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission implemented updated Nuclear Accreditation Guidelines. Also, the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology released updated guidelines (2016) for SPECT nuclear cardiology procedures. These standards focused on patient-centered stress protocols and radiation safety.

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COVID-19: Will I receive an IAC accreditation extension?

During the COVID-19 pandemic and the mitigation efforts, life has been turned upside down. Many of our clients have asked, “how will COVID-19 affect my IAC accreditation”? “Will I receive and IAC accreditation extension?” The Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) is taking “steps to ensure your facilities accreditation status remains uninterrupted” (IAC, 2020).

COVID-19: Will I receive an IAC accreditation extension? Read More »

Blue Eagle Consulting: Finally Help With Your Echo Reporting Software!

We are switching to a new echo reporting software and it’s a nightmare!  Sound familiar?  Many clients have issues with new I.T. systems communicating smoothly with each other.  The recent trend of hospitals switching EMR platforms has left diagnostic imaging labs suffering through workflow issues.

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CardioServ Celebrates 10 years!

Wow, we made it! CardioServ celebrates 10 years! Thank you, to all our readers, clients and of course my amazing team! Enjoy our short celebration video. On Saturday October 14, we gathered with family and friends to celebrate our success. Thank you to the amazing staff at The Hibiscus House. The courtyard reception was beautiful, what an amazing location and fantastic place to gather with friends. It was hard to condense an entire magical evening into 2-1/2 minutes. Enjoy the video…

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What Nobody Tells You About the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission

Most people dread accreditation! The paperwork and the time is a drag! “How do you enjoy this?” is a question I hear often! I will let you in on a secret. Accreditation is a lot easier than people know! In addition, the entire team at IAC (Intersocietal Accreditation Commission) are phenomenal to work with! I wanted to spread the word that accreditation does not have to be as difficult as many make it! The IAC are not the echo police but rather friendly, smart and extremely helpful kind people. We interviewed Sue Jensen, a Senior Clinical Specialist at the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission to discuss the culture at IAC and to gain some insight on the accreditation process. We addressed common misconceptions about the accreditation process including delayed status, non-compliant staff and many other pearls of wisdom.

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6 Steps to Meeting New IAC QI Measures

So over the past year we saw a lot of changes regarding the IAC accreditation quality improvement requirements across all modalities. Finally, as the dust settled we were left with a standardized program across the board. We expected the new QI to be difficult and time consuming so it took a while for us to get our head around just how simplified the whole system now is! We here at CardioServ are all loving the new workflow and we would like to share what we enjoy most about the new requirements.

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IAC’s New Sonographer Credentialing Requirement

As you may be aware in January 2017 the latest changes to the Echo and Vascular accreditation standards as set forth by the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission become effective. We have discussed the changes to the Quality Improvement Program in recent blogs. In this blog we will cover the changes to the sonographer credentialing and training requirements.

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