ASE Gudielines

Top 5 Factors to Consider when Evaluating for AS

Last week we broke down the methodology of the continuity equation to calculate the aortic valve area (AVA). If you missed it, you can find it HERE. The ASE guideline recommends using the continuity equation calculated AVA, peak aortic jet velocity and mean pressure gradient to evaluate and determine the severity of aortic stenosis (AS) present.

Contrast Echo: New LV Size Cut-Offs

ASE recently released a new guideline paper for contrast echo.  First you will notice by the title of the paper that ASE is now using Ultrasonic Enhancing Agents (UEA), or ‘enhanced echo’ to replace the confusing term “contrast” echo.  Thank goodness…no more stories from patients about how they are allergic to sea food and CT contrast!

Hepatic Veins – 101

As we come to an end with our right heart blog series, we want to conclude with a comprehensive look at the role of hepatic vein evaluation to assess the right heart. We will break this down into 2 blogs this week. This first blog will cover the fundamentals of hepatic veins and the second part will review how the hepatic veins play a role in Tricuspid regurgitation (TR) and right heart failure.

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