CardioServ staff

Heroes in Medicine Winner: Judith Buckland

Each year, Palm Beach County Medical Society (PBCMS) hosts the Heroes in Medicine Awards to recognize local individuals and organizations who stand out in the community by providing above and beyond services or address healthcare needs on a national basis. Awarded heroes are based on nominations and thorough interview process.

Employee Spotlight: Joanne Ryan

This week, we celebrated Joanne Ryan’s 9th work anniversary with CardioServ.  What better time to share with you a little about Joanne!  Joanne is our administrative director, aka holds down the reins of CardioServ! Anyone who has been through the accreditation process has had the joy of working with Joanne.  A stickler for providing phenomenal customer service, Joan

ACC Scientific Sessions – Take-Aways

No worries if you missed the recent ACC Scientific Sessions, held in Orlando Florida this past weekend.  We have gathered some of the best topics, and placed them all here for you to easily read the latest and greatest cardiology updates.  In addition, check out our blog, where Andrea, our Clinical Cardiac Director, explains here personal experience and reaction to attending the ACC 2018 event.

CardioServ World Tour

What better way to celebrate our 10 year anniversary than a world tour! We are dedicating our 10th year to giving back to the diagnostic imaging community. During our 10th year we are visiting facilities around the nation and world to spread our passion for excellence in imaging. We will include educational speaking events, volunteering and networking activities to our World Tour. If you would like us to come speak at your facility or join you in a volunteer or networking event let us know! Apply now and submit a request form.

Staff Spotlight: Pratik Doshi

We are excited to continue our Staff Spotlight series with CardioServ’s first ever marketing intern Pratik Doshi! Pratik will be spending the summer with us working on our social media marketing, data analysis and promotions. His experience in information technology and data science will help CardioServ better track variability and quality improvement in your facilities, automate our office tasks giving us more time with clients and help in our mission to inspire excellence worldwide. Learn more about him below!

Happy International Women’s Day!

As a company founded by and ran by women, CardioServ is proud to support International Women’s Day! A few years ago, our CEO and founder of CardioServ, Judith, went to Haiti to assess the diagnostic imaging needs of hospitals and clinics within Haiti for HCM. HCM serves over 80,000 people who would not usually have access to healthcare as well as organizing other education, nutrition and sustainability projects.

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