case study

Gerbode’s Defect in Echocardiography

We love to hear from our readers and have them share interesting case studies with us.  This week Patrice McKay, will share her story of an interesting find while in the ER.  Patrice is featured in this week’s sonographer spotlight.  Please check it out and learn about her inspiring journey into cardiac ultrasound and her recent volunteer work.  Take it away Patrice…

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Avoid These Diastology Measurement Errors

Now that diastology is a mandated part of the scanning protocol for all of our accreditation clients, we are starting to see more diastology measurement errors. We thought that sharing these errors may help others to avoid them. This week, we will review correct tissue Doppler measurement techniques while reviewing two common errors. These errors include:

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2017 Inspiring Excellence in Imaging Award

Medical Ultrasound Awareness Month (MUAM) is held annually in October to create awareness of the role diagnostic medical sonographers play in the medical community and to educate the public about medical ultrasound and its many uses in healthcare. We would like to recognize and thank the many individuals that work tirelessly, day-in and day-out, to provide the highest level of care to their patients. We have found that many healthcare providers are unaware of the skill and dedication required to excel in ultrasound. Ultrasound remains one of the few diagnostic imaging modalities that relies so heavily on the skill of the operator!

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