Contrast Echo

Contrast Echo: New LV Size Cut-Offs

ASE recently released a new guideline paper for contrast echo.  First you will notice by the title of the paper that ASE is now using Ultrasonic Enhancing Agents (UEA), or ‘enhanced echo’ to replace the confusing term “contrast” echo.  Thank goodness…no more stories from patients about how they are allergic to sea food and CT contrast!

Is Contrast Echo Safe for the Critically Ill Patient?

“Isn’t there a black box warning for contrast?” “I don’t feel comfortable giving contrast to my ICU patient” “The patient has acute coronary syndrome, I don’ think you should give contrast”  These are just a few of the responses you may face from an ICU nurse or critical care staff in response to your decision to perform a contrast echocardiogram.  So what’s the deal?

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