
Gerbode’s Defect in Echocardiography

We love to hear from our readers and have them share interesting case studies with us.  This week Patrice McKay, will share her story of an interesting find while in the ER.  Patrice is featured in this week’s sonographer spotlight.  Please check it out and learn about her inspiring journey into cardiac ultrasound and her recent volunteer work.  Take it away Patrice…

Getting Paid: Don’t miss the March deadline for 2017 MACRA/MIPS reporting!!

In general, talking about the urgency for understanding the new MACRA/MIPS reporting usually results in physicians’ eyes glazing over!  This topic seems to cause instant headaches!  As consultants, we work hard at helping physicians to provide the best possible care.  For this reason, we feel impelled to help spread the word regarding the urgency of the March deadline to submit your MIPS data to avoid reimbursement cuts in 2019.

Echo Accreditation Standard Updates

The Intersocietal Accreditation Commission updated the standards and guidelines for Adult Echo accreditation  in July 2017 with a December 1, 2017 effective date.  The main changes to the adult echo standards is the mandate (versus option) to evaluate diastolic function on all studies, and to report on it.  With this requirement followed the requirements for all ultrasound equipment to have Tissue Doppler Imaging capabilities.  

2017 Inspiring Excellence in Imaging Winner

This year for Ultrasound Awareness Month, we asked you all to recognize yourself or a fellow sonographer or physician by submitting a story about a time you saved a day or made a difference. Here at CardioServ, we believe that each and every sonographer is a hero in their own way and we want to share your stories!

CardioServ World Tour

What better way to celebrate our 10 year anniversary than a world tour! We are dedicating our 10th year to giving back to the diagnostic imaging community. During our 10th year we are visiting facilities around the nation and world to spread our passion for excellence in imaging. We will include educational speaking events, volunteering and networking activities to our World Tour. If you would like us to come speak at your facility or join you in a volunteer or networking event let us know! Apply now and submit a request form.

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