
Sonographer Musculoskeletal Disorders

October, is Medical Ultrasound Awareness Month (MUAM), a time when we stop to recognize and celebrate sonographers. Therefore, this week we are bringing attention to sonographer musculoskeletal disease with a focus on pain free scanning. According to SDMS, 90% of clinical sonogaphers experience symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders.

Sonographers – The Pain Factor

Before starting CardioServ, an Accreditation Consulting business in 2007, I used to scan full-time in adult and pediatric echo. I too, like most other techs, had constant and nagging neck pain. Once I stopped the daily scanning and my neck pain eased up, it was out of sight out of mind. My days became consumed with consulting and teaching instead of scanning so I no longer exposed myself to repetitive stress injuries that many sonographers face.main

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