Hepatic Veins

Hepatic Veins & Right Heart Abnormalities

In Hepatic Veins 101, we discussed the structure, function and waveforms of the hepatic veins, in regards to the cardiac cycle. This blog will cover how the hepatic veins play a role with the right heart. We tend to forget about the importance and useful information the hepatic veins provide us. Lets review, how the hepatic veins play a role in:

Hepatic Veins – 101

As we come to an end with our right heart blog series, we want to conclude with a comprehensive look at the role of hepatic vein evaluation to assess the right heart. We will break this down into 2 blogs this week. This first blog will cover the fundamentals of hepatic veins and the second part will review how the hepatic veins play a role in Tricuspid regurgitation (TR) and right heart failure.

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