6 Steps to Meeting New IAC QI Measures

So over the past year we saw a lot of changes regarding the IAC accreditation quality improvement requirements across all modalities. Finally, as the dust settled we were left with a standardized program across the board. We expected the new QI to be difficult and time consuming so it took a while for us to get our head around just how simplified the whole system now is! We here at CardioServ are all loving the new workflow and we would like to share what we enjoy most about the new requirements.

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Smart Strategies for Accreditation Success

This is the final blog in our 6-part Accreditation Hack Series. It’s been great sharing our time saving hacks and our tips to streamline the accreditation process. By now you may have noticed one thing… here at CardioServ we love what we do! We are passionate about improving the quality of diagnostic imaging. It’s this passion that drives us to be relentless with our pursuit of excellence and steadfast in our commitment to improving the accreditation process for the diagnostic community. We believe in using an innovative process to give you a strategic advantage to successful accreditation.

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Sonographers – The Pain Factor

Before starting CardioServ, an Accreditation Consulting business in 2007, I used to scan full-time in adult and pediatric echo. I too, like most other techs, had constant and nagging neck pain. Once I stopped the daily scanning and my neck pain eased up, it was out of sight out of mind. My days became consumed with consulting and teaching instead of scanning so I no longer exposed myself to repetitive stress injuries that many sonographers face.main

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TEE Probe Leak Test

Back in July 2013, one of the revisions to the IAC Standards and Guidelines included “the structural and electrical integrity of the transducer must be checked between each use, using an ultrasound transducer leakage tester.” This revision becomes effective December 31st, 2015. That’s great, but why do we have to do this? What is a leakage tester? How does it work? Where can I get one?

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Echo and Vascular Accreditation Update 2015

Will you be accrediting or reaccrediting with IAC soon? The Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) has released updates to adult echo and vascular testing accreditation to become effective February 2016. Included are changes in credentialing and quality improvement that you will want to know about before your next accreditation! Check out this article highlighting the major differences in the new standards.

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