industry spotlight

Industry Spotlight: EchoToday

CardioServ loves promoting organizations and individuals that share our values of inspiring excellence. I interviewed EchoToday’s founder Michael Owen to find out more about his development of an app to advance workflow within imaging labs. Michael has mastered diastolic function evaluation and has found a way to simplify diastolic assessment with an app, allowing sonographers and physicians to quickly evaluate diastolic function.

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What Nobody Tells You About the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission

Most people dread accreditation! The paperwork and the time is a drag! “How do you enjoy this?” is a question I hear often! I will let you in on a secret. Accreditation is a lot easier than people know! In addition, the entire team at IAC (Intersocietal Accreditation Commission) are phenomenal to work with! I wanted to spread the word that accreditation does not have to be as difficult as many make it! The IAC are not the echo police but rather friendly, smart and extremely helpful kind people. We interviewed Sue Jensen, a Senior Clinical Specialist at the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission to discuss the culture at IAC and to gain some insight on the accreditation process. We addressed common misconceptions about the accreditation process including delayed status, non-compliant staff and many other pearls of wisdom.

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Industry Spotlight: STARSS

Everything we do at CardioServ is driven by our passion to to inspire excellence in imaging. The fun we have as a company is finding the best channels to accomplish this mission! We believe that collectively as a community we can all help each other to be better. It is this belief that has inspired us to create our industry spotlight series. We will introduce you to like-minded individuals that share our vision. This week we will introduce you to STARSS (Specialty Training & Advanced Review Sonographer Services) and share how they are working to help you be your very best!

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How Pratik Doshi became our rock-star intern in 12 weeks!

We are all about knocking the ball out of the park, when it comes to goals. This summer we posted a position for an intern. The mission…..if they dared to accept … was to impact our social media campaigns within 12 weeks of walking through the door. Pratik Doshi accepted the mission and then proceeded to surpass every goal!! Pratik Doshi joined our CardioServ family over the summer. Within this short time Pratik quickly became part of our team. He started his intern by spending a week with us in our office, here in West Palm Beach. Pratik met the team and even had the opportunity to meet some of our clients when he joined us at an educational lecture we presented at JFK Medical Center.

How Pratik Doshi became our rock-star intern in 12 weeks! Read More »

Staff Spotlight: Pratik Doshi

We are excited to continue our Staff Spotlight series with CardioServ’s first ever marketing intern Pratik Doshi! Pratik will be spending the summer with us working on our social media marketing, data analysis and promotions. His experience in information technology and data science will help CardioServ better track variability and quality improvement in your facilities, automate our office tasks giving us more time with clients and help in our mission to inspire excellence worldwide. Learn more about him below!

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