left ventricle

Mastering Diastology: Part 2

Last week we discussed the algorithm for determining the presence of diastolic function in patients with normal ejection fraction (EF). This week, we are going to discuss determining the presence of diastolic function in patients with depressed EF or pathologic left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) with preserved EF.

Essential Steps to Evaluating MR Etiologies

The ASE recently released their new 2017 valvular regurgitation updated guidelines back in April. The paper details the difference between primary and secondary mitral regurgitation (MR) and outlines proper evaluation methods for the most common pathologies seen. The past couple of weeks, we have discussed how to differentiate between primary vs. organic and acute vs. chronic. If you need to refresh or missed our blog, you can read them here:

Finally… Mitral Valve Orientation Explained!

Last week, we covered the basic anatomy of the mitral apparatus. We reviewed in detail, the various structures and their function. As we continue with our mitral regurgitation blog series, we want to touch next on, specific imaging windows to evaluate the mitral valve. Remember, when we examine the valve, we need to make sure we include all structures of the apparatus.

6 Pitfalls of Accurate LV Measurements

Last year the American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) released updated guidelines for cardiac chamber quantification by echocardiography. The ASE teamed up with the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging to update the previous guidelines due to the rapid technological developments of the past decade and the changes in echocardiographic practice brought about by these developments.

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