Mitral Regurgitation

3 Steps to Quantifying MR via Stroke Volume Method!

Last week we discussed 1 of the 3 ways to quantify the severity of mitral regurgitation (MR), using the PISA method (proximal isovelocity surface area). If you missed it, you can find it here! This week, we are going to explain the second method– stroke volume method & provide a case example on how it’s performed! Our goal is to help you easily understand the concept and process of implementing the stroke volume method for evaluation of MR into your echo lab!

7 Factors that Influence Color Doppler Appearance

We started our mitral regurgitation (MR) blog series with the intention to provide our readers a clear & easy understanding of the basics to evaluating the mitral valve structure when MR is present. Starting next week, we are now going to move on to the suggested methods to qualifying & quantifying the severity of MR according to the recent ASE guidelines that were published this year, Recommendations for Noninvasive Evaluation of Native Valvular Regurgitation.

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