venous insufficiency

Missed our Ultrasound Conference? Watch our video review!

Last month in July, CardioServ partnered with All About Ultrasound to hold our Mastering Venous Reflux Ultrasound Conference. Our goal at CardioServ is to inspire excellence in imaging. This includes making sure we teach to all different learning styles. We have become more aware, over the past years, of just how differently our clients learn and process information.

Missed our Ultrasound Conference? Watch our video review! Read More »

Intro to Venous Reflux

There is a lot of interest in ablation procedures for venous reflux. Many of our readers have expressed an interest in learning more about venous reflux. What is it? How do we correctly diagnose reflux disease? What is the pre, during and post procedures for venous ablation? We are happy to announce our upcoming Mastering Venous Reflux conference on July 15th, in Ft. Lauderdale. We are collaborating with All About Ultrasound, to combine our extensive backgrounds in vascular ultrasound and will be providing 5.0 ASE CMEs. The conference is intended for the novice, expert or physician, interested in mastering correct techniques for venous reflux. This week we will review some basics of venous reflux.

Intro to Venous Reflux Read More »

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