Written by Judith Buckland, MBA, RDCS, FASE

COVID-19: Will I receive an IAC accreditation extension?

During the COVID-19 pandemic and the mitigation efforts, life has been turned upside down. Many of our clients have asked, “how will COVID-19 affect my IAC accreditation”? “Will I receive and IAC accreditation extension?” The Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) is taking “steps to ensure your facilities accreditation status remains uninterrupted” (IAC, 2020). They recognize that the pandemic is affecting facilities across the nation in different ways. The CDC guidelines keep changing regarding best practices resulting in limited office hours and reduced out-patient testing. Meanwhile, in-patient facilities may be bombarded with a sudden increase in critical care patients. All of these factors may influence a facility’s ability to complete their accreditation application.

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IAC Accreditation Extensions

The Intersocietal Accreditation Commission is granting extensions to facilities with upcoming expiration dates along with extensions on delayed status rectification deadlines. Currently, a 60-day extension is being provided to facilities with upcoming deadlines. IAC is monitoring the situation and will reassess the need for extensions as time progresses. These extensions have been approved by Medicare (CMS) so your Medicare payment status, will not be affected.

How do know if I have received an IAC accreditation extension?

Currently, facilities that have been granted an extension have received notification by email. The email is sent to the admin users listed on your online accreditation portal. The email subject line is ‘New Correspondence Available” and includes instructions on how to locate your extension letter. Be sure to read all emails from the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission and stay informed.

How to access your IAC accreditation extension letter

Many clients are looking under their current open applications for their IAC accreditation extension letters (or delayed status extension). You will need to login to your last ‘granted’ application, under the ‘correspondence letter’ icon. The reason for this is because you are receiving an extension on the expiration of your previously granted application.

Need additional help?

The intersocietal Accreditation Commission (as of March 23, 2020), is still operational and accepting applications. You can still call to ask questions or receive help. You can contact IAC directly at (800) 838-2110 or email them using the staff directory located on their website.


CardioServ is committed to assisting our community during this unusual time. We are making every effort to keep our readers informed regarding issues related to COVID-19. If you have a concern or question that you would like addressed, please submit a contact form located on our website.

This blog addressed IAC accreditation extensions. You may also like:

accreditationCOVID-19intersocietal accreditation commission

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