Written by Judith Buckland, MBA, RDCS, FASE

Missed our Ultrasound Conference? Watch our video review!

Last month in July, CardioServ partnered with All About Ultrasound to hold our Mastering Venous Reflux Ultrasound Conference.  Our goal at CardioServ is to inspire excellence in imaging.   This includes making sure we teach to all different learning styles.  We have become more aware, over the past years, of just how differently our clients learn and process information.

For this reason we are working on ensuring we teach outside of the normal (and sometimes boring) standard lecture format.  In the past months we have started to introduce more interactive activities into our learning presentations.  At our hospital quarterly Quality Improvement meetings we are now implementing polling throughout our presentations.  It is an easy and fun way to get live feedback from our audience.  This allows physicians and attendees to actively participate throughout the lecture by answering questions and immediately seeing how their answers correspond to their peers.  At our ultrasound conference we took it a step further and introduced kinetic learning (learning through motion).

We used motion (tapping your head for example) to answer questions periodically during the 4 hour ultrasound conference  The main benefit to the student, is it gives them the opportunity to stand up and get their blood moving again!  Long conferences can be dull and its easy to find one’s mind wondering.  Standing up after a lecture and answering a few questions through motion allows you to get up, get moving and even laugh a little with your peers.  As a teacher, it is a great way to poll the room and quickly know if everyone is following along and awake!

In addition to our fun kinetic learning exercises we were sure to include features to address all learning styles.

  • Verbal Learner
    • Lecture
  • Visual Learner
    • Live Scanning
  •  Tactile Learner
    • Hands-on work-stations
  • Reader-Writer Learner
    • Workbook

The ultrasound conference was a great success.  A big thank you to Lara Miller at All About Ultrasound.  Lara continues to work hard at providing the resources you need to pass your registry exams.  You can find out more about Lara’s upcoming webinars, conferences and study guides on her website.

Be sure to sign up for our blogs to ensure you receive notice of CardioServ’s upcoming conferences.  If you are interested in learning more about our Hospital Educational lecture series or Quality Improvement Meetings, you can read more here. Don’t worry, we save our kinetic learning for ultrasound conference!  We provide you with polling clickers and other interactive ways to learn and participate during your peer review!  Please check out our video review above and share your comments below.  We love hearing from our readers.

Judith Headshot

Judith Buckland, MBA, RDCS, FASE, President

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