Educational Resources

In addition to our educational opportunities and clinical development, we are happy to share resources on where to find additional free, online or live CME opportunities related to your specific diagnostic imaging field.  We truly want to start a movement to inspire excellence in imaging. We know that the more we all share information and resources the better we do as an imaging community.  Check out our listing and if you know of other CME opportunities please share them!  Just drop us a line and we will add them to our list!



Make a Request

Do you know of an educational link or upcoming conference we could add to our list?  Contact us and provide us with the necessary information to add to our resource list.  If you have an educational topic you would like to learn more about please send us your suggestions and we will consider it for future blog articles or upcoming webinars and meetings.  You can also request for us to speak at your facility!  Don’t be shy, make a request today and join our movement to improve the quality of diagnostic imaging!
