Free Consultation

You don’t need to be organized with an accreditation plan before reaching out!  Whatever your situation a quick call will add value to your thought process.  Whether accreditation is just a distant goal or you have a structured accreditation program we will provide recommendations to help you.


How we help you

Not sure you are ready to schedule a consultation?  We are super friendly and we don’t bite!  We help identify the best resources to help you, regardless of what stage of accreditation you are at.  Here are just a few examples of topics discussed in recent consultations:

  • Thinking of starting the accreditation process in the next year or two
  • Don’t know which accrediting organization to apply with (IAC or ACR)
  • Not sure if facility even needs to be accredited
  • Already started the process but having a hard time with physician compliance
  • Submitted application but received a Delayed Status
  • Can’t keep up with the mandated Quality Improvement Program
  • Have an awesome accreditation program but looking to save time and focus on efficiency
  • Reaccreditation is quickly approaching and running out of time
  • Got behind on Quality Improvement Measures
  • Don’t have time to keep up!
  • Need to add staff and add locations
  • Need educational support and looking for ideas to present at QI meetings
  • Just got assigned the responsibility of handling accreditation
  • Looking to clinically develop staff

Next Step

angela schedule nowLet’s chat!  You don’t need to be organized with an accreditation plan before reaching out!  Whatever your situation a quick call will add value to your thought process.  Whether accreditation is just a distant goal or you have a structured accreditation program we will provide recommendations to help you.  Take the next step to improve the way you achieve accreditation.  Call today!

